Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mini MISTI Winner and Jam-Stamperrama

Hi all!  I used Random.Org to pick my Mini MISTI winner comment #:

And then loaded all the comments into a spreadsheet which I then painstakingly hand-numbered for true accuracy:

And then matched the comment in the spreadsheet to the actual comment on my blog:

Congratulations Karen D.!!!  I've sent an email so you should be playing with your new Mini MISTI in just a short while!  Enjoy!

On a somewhat related note, I'm having my Jam-Stamperrama event over on Facebook and there's a chance to win either Jamberry hostess rewards or a stamping prize package!!  If you're interested in an invite, please email me (link in sidebar).  We're a few days in to the party, but there's still plenty of time to earn raffle entries!!  Won't you join us?


Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a comment!